We all remember the time when we could not wait to graduate high school and be done with it for good. A time where all the talk was about the glitzy legends and myths about the college life that awaited us – from the seemingly eternal parties to the lavish bonfires and revelries. Then, not long afterward, we joined in, and to our dismay, college life was a total fiasco in this regard.
Being a college student is not utterly disappointing, the parties prove to be a side serving of the main course: Stress au Fromage. Oftentimes, we desperately look for ways to cope with this demanding lifestyle, which begs the question of how we can relieve some of the stress that comes with being a college student. If you’re wondering how you can keep stress at bay, keep on reading to find out!
Manage Your Stress
There are elements that distinguish a college student’s life and the attributes that come with the fast-paced momentum of education. These attributes, loathsome as they may be, are part of the bargain. With that said, college students are no strangers to stress. Still, no matter how familiar they become with the lifestyle, they never seem to fully adapt to it. Fortunately, there are tricks to managing one’s stress.
1. Keep A Calendar
It should come as no surprise to learn that by being organized, your stress levels can drastically decrease. For this reason, it is advised that every college student should keep a detailed calendar that does not only include assignment due dates and class schedules but also have social events highlighted. A calendar will alleviate your worries and stress, as well as having you go by your days without needing to think about them.
2. Make Sure You Are Getting Enough Sleep
An average college student’s day will look something like this: a frat party all the way up to 4 a.m., hitting the sack and then waking up a couple of hours later to catch your 8 a.m. class. Although there is definitely an allure to this kind of lifestyle, the perpetual frenzy only adds to your stress. On top of this, many illnesses have been attributed to insufficient sleep, with many studies attribute to the risk of diabetes, obesity, and depression. That said, it is important for all college students to get their 7-9 hours of sleep a night, which helps immensely in reducing stress.
If you’ve been struggling with your sleep schedule despite attempting to fall asleep at the right time, consider trying sleeping supplements found both in natural sources such as chamomile tea or hot milk, as well as supplements containing melatonin such as products by Nature Made or ChemicalPlanet.
However, if you are having trouble sleeping due to stress, a blanket – specifically a weighted blanket – will work like a charm. Stress management lifestyle coaches explain that by getting the best weighted blanket on the market, you can enjoy deeper sleep, which will be complemented with less stress in no time. They work better than duvets and guarantee to have you fall asleep faster and wake up more refreshed.
3. Eat Healthy
A college student’s life can get very hectic, to the point where they may not have enough time to cook something nutritious. However, a good and healthy diet can do a lot for relieving one’s stress. That said, it is important that a college student gets their daily share of vegetables, and to make sure that their intake is rich in nutrients. Another thing you need to do is avoid irregular and excessive intake of caffeine, as it has been proven to increase anxiety and stress. Always try to replace junk food with better alternatives, in order to equip your body with what it needs to fight stress.
4. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
Apart from eating well and sleeping well, you need to keep your body active. You can do this by exercising regularly. You will want to do this for the obvious reason of combating weight gain, which will reward you with lower stress levels. Aside from sporting a healthy figure, you also need exercise in order to dispose of the toxins and frustration that is held up in your body.
You can try taking walks when you can. Also, a jog every morning around campus can release tension and can help keep your body healthy. By exercising daily, you will be equipping your body with the needed levels of endorphins that act as natural painkillers, which in return, will elevate your mood.
A form of exercise known to relieve stress is the famous meditative workout of yoga. Providing total relaxation and bringing excellent health benefits, yoga can help in soothing your sore muscles and can clear your head. This can be done before or after your usual workouts and can be performed anywhere. This accommodates the needs of any college student’s busy schedule, as all you need is a small area, and a few minutes to do some yoga.
5. Have an Outlet
During times of excess stress, where your anxiety levels are on a high, and you are feeling low, having an outlet becomes a necessity. Something as simple as picking up a hobby, which can be anything from painting, drawing or even pottery, can help relieve a lot of your accumulated stress. Maybe try playing a sport, or just go out, and unplug for a while.
Another thing every college student must do is find support. Try to stay connected to your family and friends, as being away for a long time can take its toll on your mental faculties, and throw you into a spiral of stress. You will also find that many colleges provide their students with the opportunity of counseling sessions, where you meet with a counselor, and get to talk for a while to unload some of the weight you may be carrying around with you.
College life can be very difficult for a lot of people, with statistics showing that an average of 87% of people report feeling stressed and overwhelmed by all they have to do. However, by applying these major differences to your daily routines, you will find that stress no longer bothers you, at least not as much as it used to. Remember to eat well, have an outlet, exercise, stay organized, and of course, sleep well.