Luxury. The word even feels nice rolling off your tongue. There’s something so clean and crisp about it. Perhaps it’s the way that the simplest mention instantly conjures up mental images of sprawling mansions, designer collections, and sleek cars.
What Defines Luxury, Anyway?
Where interior design is concerned, there is no set formula for how to produce luxurious surroundings.Not all of the elements that you could see in these designs are necessary for a living, but without them the surroundings would be less charming and less beautiful. Luxury means custom, quality, unique designs, and attention to detail, so you will maybe want to keep those in mind when checking out the photos. It’s more about creating a certain feel for the space than following a few of hard and fast rules. But, to try and give you some guidelines, asked a few designers to tell us what “luxury” means to them:
- Candice Olsen: “Luxury, to me, encompasses all the elements of life that aren’t absolutely necessary, but without which life would be less charmed, less beautiful and not nearly as fun.“
- Christina Hadzi: “Rooms are increasingly tailored to personal demands and an element of convenience.”
- Raymond Boozer: “Flexibility is the big trend I’m seeing. Now it’s okay to mix high and low and still create a luxurious room. Pedigree is not as important as personal preference.“
- Billy Baldwin: “Lately, I have been thinking how comfort is perhaps the ultimate luxury.”
- Michael Foran: “At my company, luxury means custom, quality, unique designs, and attention to detail.”
So, for today we gather some luxurious interiors that will fascinate you. If you were looking for some ideas on how to add your own home interior a luxurious feel, get inspired from the photos below and find out what you could do to make your own house a nice place for a living.

Why Our Brains Love Luxurious Interiors?
The very best interiors are a combination of exceptional design, the very best materials and excellent craftsmanship. Together these elements create the most luxurious interiors. There are lots of stylish options on the internet, so find the one that suit your style the best! “Louis period styles” is a collective term for French design trends spanning between 1600 and 1790, encompassing the transition from Baroque to Neoclassicism. Royal families were the de-facto tastemakers of the time – and in this case, those tastemakers were Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, and their fashionable queens and mistresses such as Marie Antoinette and Madame Pompadour. While ornate styles have been replaced by clean minimalism today, these fabulous visualizations offer a rare glimpse of French palatial decadence translated to lighter modern-day interiors. You will love to live in every single one of them. Their designs is so carefully crafted and attention is paid even to the smallest detail. Even when you only pronounce the word luxury, it sounds so good, let alone living in a luxurious house.