Are you looking for indoor swimming pool ideas? Then, you’ve come to the right place. A collection of 30 indoor pools beckons to be discovered below, in an article that gathers all that’s trendy on the internet at the moment.
Indoor swimming pools are quickly becoming incredibly popular, thanks to the many advantages and year-round benefits they offer.
Building an Indoor Swimming Pool: What You Need to Know
Whether a pool is destined for indoors or outdoors, most builders will construct it the same way with one major exception: an outdoor pool deck slopes away from the pool to keep debris and runoff from entering the pool, whereas an indoor pool deck slopes toward the pool to keep water away from walls. Because an indoor pool does not have to deal with the freezing and thawing cycles that an outdoor pool might have to, builders can use a wider variety of materials, such as glass and ceramic waterline tiles smaller than 6 x 6 inches, says James Atlas, principal of Platinum Poolcare, Ltd., Wheeling, IL. (via )
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Indoor Pool Lighting
Incorporating lots of skylights, windows and sliding doors lets natural light flood the space, but when the sun goes down you will need adequate lighting for nighttime enjoyment and safety. A combination of underwater lighting and wall sconces typically provides sufficient and attractive illumination.
Don’t forget! Avoid overhead lights, because the bulbs are too difficult to access when they need changing. If you want lighting near the ceiling, consider fiber-optic cable fixtures, which use remote illuminators that are easily accessible.

Indoor Pools with Skylights and Retractle Roofs
Windows, skylights and sliding glass doors are a great way to create an open feeling, but they can also lead to excessive heat in the summer. It is important to have skylights or high windows that open to let hot air escape; otherwise, you could spend more on cooling your indoor pool room in the summer than you do on heating it in the winter.
Skylights and Retractle Roofs add elegance and visual charme to your home at a reasonable price and provides protection from inclement weather conditions. Make your pool a beautiful place. Better yet, an open roof system and lots of sliding glass doors enable you to treat your indoor pool like an outdoor pool in the summer.
As you can easily notice, most of them are large-sized, located at the first floor of the buildings and taking advantage of splendid landscapes. If space permits, the swimming pool should be installed in half-covered areas or under retractable roofs so that the swimmers could enjoy fresh air during sunny days.
Maintain your pool in optimal conditions, protected from unwanted debris and bad weather. They also provide increased and extended season use.
An indoor pool allows you practising swimming throughout the year, without worrying about adverse weather.