Skike, the new outdoor activity is rapidly spreading among skaters and ski enthusiasts worldwide. It is a sport which unifies a healthy living, body culture and social interaction into an unique experience. Skikes are light Nordic Skates with air wheels that can be used for off road as well as on road tours, have a high quality at reasonable prices and offer unparalleled fun. Everybody can skike, young and old at any level of athletic appearance.
buy it from here: Cardiff Skate Company 3-Wheel Skates
The concept and smoothness of the new skike v8 LIFT CROSS 2R is unrivaled. The mature heel-lift system, micro shock arbers, and a long wheelbase guarantee riding enjoyment that comes closer to ski skating than any roller ski. Light, strong and with several individual setting options – a Cross Skate of the superlatives. A Skike is a sports device consisting of two wheels attached to a frame that can be strapped onto the rider’s shoe. Similarly to roller skis, the Skike has a wheel in front and at the tail of an aluminum frame that can be attached to the foot. However, unlike roller skis and roller skates the tires are pneumatic.
The skike v8 LIFT CROSS 2R is thus prepared for the most difficult alpine climbs, as well as for tours in nearly every terrain. In addition to asphalt, the Skikes can therefore be used on rougher terrain such as dirt roads, plaster and gravel. The Skike straps onto the rider’s shoe, and does not require any special type of boot. It has a brake on the heel that allows the rider to stop or brake gradually by pushing back the lower legs.