The sunlight contributes with passive solar energy through the south and east faced windows and you benefi t directly from the resources of nature. Unpleasant overheating in the summer is avoided by using awning blinds in combination with airing. To go a step further in using the energy of the sun, solar panels contribute to the heating of the water for the household. The degrees saddle roof faces south east so the thermal solar panels are put to full use. The combination of supplying air through façade windows and leading the exhaust air out the highly placed roof windows results in effective ventilation of the air in the living areas of the house. The window layout in LUMINA HOUSE is well suited for using natural ventilation in the summertime to cool the building because of the stack effect between façade windows and roof windows. The energy quality of a house is a step towards sustainability in living. With introduction of VELUX solar panels, natural ventilation through VELUX roof windows, floor heating and good insulation, LUMINA house is a holistic solution in contemporary energy-balanced architecture.
Lumina House is an energy efficient, ecological sound and healthy, functional and comfortable, intelligent, optimal and affordable new build solution for a family of four. Lumina house is a project of a functional single family house, which aims to make the best use of natural light and create the setting for good life. It has been thought as an approach towards housing sustainability.