Are you struggling with inspiration to decorate your small apartment? Then, you’ve come to the right place. Spotted on, the 40 m² apartment below proves a practical and excellent use of space. First of all, pay attention to the color you choose to paint walls: white is known as a “space provider”, while dark tones like black, violet or brown delimit the areas very strongly. Here, for example, white is used as a background, while vivid pops of color create interesting contrasts. Multi functional furniture like counter tops that become dining bars, extendable tables, storing boxes that hide books and mobile racks for cups and plates will help you maximize space. Simplicity and design go hand in hand in this environment. Straight lines, pure white and every single bit of space is used. Painting the walls in white or bright colors, coming up with unconventional hidden storage solutions, embedding multi-functional furniture in multi-purpose spaces – these are just some of the tricks we came across on DesignRulz.