Japanese architectural firm Keisuke Kawaguchi+K2-Design has created the Residence of Daisen.
Completed in 2011, this contemporary home in Tottori, Japan, seamlessly integrates itself into the forest. According to the architects: “This is a guest house located in the forest of Daisen piedmont, Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture. The house site is situated in the midst of abundant cherry and pine trees, standing at natural well-balanced intervals with trunks reaching towards the sky with bountiful leaves. The figures of the trees are beautiful. They are the legitimate habitants of the forest. Sensitive dialogue with the site is requisite to building a house that lies in coexistence with nature. Our building plan was drafted according to this idea. The forms and colors of the forest seen from each room are as deep as the eye can see. Bright (red), tangible (white), obscure (blue), dark (black)—we may call them the colors of the day. The changing seasons create a bountiful, colorful composition! How satisfying is the abundance of passing time that the forest beats when living in this house! “