Modern 260m2 House Carqueija by Bento+Azevedo is located in Camaçari – Bahia – Brazil. Located in Camaçari – Bahia – Brazil, the HOUSE CARQUEIJA is about 260,00 sqm in a 1.400,00 sqm site, with a reduced program, and no unused spaces, the house is intended to be more site sensitive, emphasize the outside life, and provide functional and comfortable living spaces. With a simple and efficient plan, it is a ground floor house with 2 rooms, a chapel and a large and flexible social area, which integrate living, dining and tv room in a open space, linked to the outside area through a porch.
In order to have the best orientation, in a tropical county, the house closes itself from the front street view, which is west, and opens into the backyard, creating a privative and integrated place. That way, on the front facade, architectural elements, as a narrow windows and a pare-soleil was used to protect the house against solar irradiation, while the back facade, on east side, completely integrate the inside with the outside, through large windows, sliding doors and a porch, connecting the house with the green area.
Enjoy and get inspired. Amazing stuff!