Sometimes you find amazing landscapes that worth function as a background for your house, but you face difficulties if the land is inclined. Look at the house we present today and I’m sure you’ll find inspiration from Eduardo Souto de Moura, a Portuguese architect awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2011. He placed considerable importance on adaptation to the site, and over the years, he developed a type of single storey house that was well adapted to the land and its limits. Regarding this aspect, I found it interesting to quote him from an interview published in El Croquis in 2005: ” I believe that housing is something universal that historically has changed very little. The materials change, the building systems change, but the idea of a house as such is not something that has changed a lot . Mies van der Rohe was accused of having abandoned the historic language in favour of abstraction, and he replied, “I do not agree; courtyard houses date back more than 5000 years ”.
If you’re interested in his work, I invite you to come to ROCAD, the international convention of architecture and design that will take place in Bucharest, Romania, between 16-18 May. Eduardo Souto de Moura will hold a conference talking about his projects and the way he understands architecture nowadays.