Designed by architect Georgios Skiadopoulos, this amazing surfer’s house is located in Rhodes Island, Greece. The target was to design a concept house where the owner can find his inner peace, leaving behind the frustrations of every day’s life. The Surfer’s Home is a house full of memories from seas around the globe. The owner’s desire was to create his own world inside his intimate space. His world consists of his friends and the seas he has surfed; so he wanted to have them around him everywhere in his house.
The challenge of the project was that the space was really small (28 m2), but the elements which had to be used were too many (photos, shelves, storage spaces). So in order to achieve harmony and homogeny in the final synthesis, the design had to be based on absolute symmetries and specific analogies.
The project was finished in May 2013. Thank you Georgios Skiadopoulos for sending us this beautiful project!