Located on the picturesque island of Mykonos, Greece, Scorpios by Michael Schickinger of Lambs&Lions is an exclusive getaway that celebrates beach culture. Scorpios believes in doing and being more, in transforming beauty into an unforgettable beach experience, in turning strangers into friends, perhaps even soulmates. But much more than just a beach and a restaurant; The property is nestled between two stunning beaches that offer rare uninterrupted views from Mykonos across the open Aegean Sea. But more, the tiered property is also hugged by the wild wonder of a protected nature reserve. Taken together its setting provides guests with the precious luxury of an eastern sunrise and the day’s closing sunset over southern cliffs.
Scorpios is a welcoming holistic world built upon both simplicity and luxury. And it’s this holistic philosophy – one that is as simple as it is revolutionary – that makes Scorpios so unique: Now you no longer need to bounce between a quiet, serenity-filled retreat and a place where you can let your spirit soar as you celebrate life to its fullest.