The decorating of a room has always been deemed as an exciting exercise. What’s even more exciting, nonetheless, is redecorating. Whichever it may be, you probably have a certain standard for it, associated with the ideal style you’ve always imagined. However, a lot of hard work and effort does go into the making, and here are 5 tips to assist you through this great endeavor of building your perfect space.
Take your measurements
Naturally, before getting started with anything else, you’ll have to take the measurements of your room. This is crucial to the process, as it would give you a visual idea of the space you’re working with. You’ll be able to see how everything fits, and if anything might need changing or replacing. This can be achieved by drawing a model of the room you wish to style, and then place cut-out to see the prospects of your room and plan ahead. The image will then begin to form more clearly.

Consider your personality against the style
So you’ve taken your measurements and drawn your model. You get to play around with the ideas. However, when doing so, try to consider the best and the most suitable style to match and compliment your personality. The most popular styles you might want to refer to are:
- Modern
French Country
Shabby Chic
Hollywood Glam
Perhaps a rustic design will go well with the countryside persona your sport, maybe a more over-the-top design will suit your lavish lifestyle, such as the Hollywood glam. Look for what you’re most comfortable with. However, if you know absolutely nothing about interior design, then you might want to take the interior design quiz to narrow down your options. This will help you choose your ideal style in the most enjoyable way, as all you’ll be doing is selecting the images you’re most drawn to.
Decide on the colors
You should start off by picking the colors of your room’s flooring and walls. Then accordingly begin to select the items that would match the setting. So you may want to plan in advance by taking a look at the kind of furniture you want, then appropriately decide on the color of your room. Once you’ve done that, start installing your floor and painting the walls. Which brings you one step closer to your end goal.
Look for the best natural lighting
This is to identify exactly where it is you might need additional artificial lighting. Also, you could be looking to have the natural lighting supplement the color of your room. So, if the room is themed in a simple color palette, the sun’s beaming rays could very well add color to the elegance of your sanctuary. Curtains can help with that, since the different types of this item can help vary your lighting. As with netting or curtain tie backs.
Place your furniture
Now here is where it all gets serious, since you’re done with the kiddie play. A quick disclaimer, it’s also where it gets tiring. Start by putting in your furniture and seeing how it all looks. Don’t hesitate to try different positions and combinations just to see what works and what doesn’t. Although do make sure to remove any unnecessary objects or furniture lying around. You don’t want a room that’s all cramped up.
When doing so, think about the colors that go well together and think to color up your room with small decorations. Maybe what’s missing is a rug, or perhaps your family picture will go well with the room, standing on your side table. Try to play around with these little things as it is the little things that tend to breathe life into what may seem deficient.
When seeking to achieve the ideal style for your room, always have it relate back to your personality, as well as making sure you’re comfortable with what you see and use. A variable a lot of people forget about and overlook, as they would rather replace the comfort with beauty.
Throughout this process, always remember to make sure you instill character to your room. That way it can truly live up to the image you had aspired towards. So whether your room is designed in a traditional fashion, or a more contemporary one, whatever style you choose, it’s that and you. Now that you’re done, you can rest and breathe in the wonderful sight that is of your creation.