Are you a fan of sustainable design? Then, you’ve come to the right place! We present you today 45 ideas of how to recycle plastic bottles and obtain decorative objects. For example, Michelle Brand designed an aesthetic curtain most people would perceive to be waste or rubbish. The fabric is composed of plastic drinks bottle bases, which have been cut, sanded and then tagged together. When asked what kind of special material and craft she applied in her designs, she answered: “I use plastic drinks bottles in my designs. It is so much more challenging to use an existing shape and material. My inspiration came from my method of enquiry about plastic as a material. I deconstructed the material, rather than asked, “what can I make from plastic bottles?”. I applied my creative design, maker, and artistic skills to transform the overlooked into the beautiful. I would like to think that my designs are the Sex in the City of the reuse world!“
Here, we do not show you how to recycle plastic bottles step by step, but we show you how important is to recycle and up-cycle things that you didn’t find them useful for a long time. Also, you can be very creative and realize beautiful stuff with plastic straws or wine bottles . All ideas presented in this article are perfect for a birthday present too. Choosing the right gift for your loved one can be difficult, particularly when you’re shopping for somebody who seems to have absolutely everything already! You don’t need to buy new gifts for your friends unless the internet is full of great inspiration. Personalize them right now! There’s nothing like a handmade gift from a loved one! Keep in mind! Handmade and homemade is more appreciate instead of buying them. The difference between them is that one takes time and money, and another takes (only) money. Guess which one is each of them? Handmade is not cheap, but don’t forget! You might not save money, but you give a particularly meaningful gift. Enjoy!

The Plastic Bottle Bouquet Lamp
Fashioned as screens, curtains or room dividers, Michelle Brand strings together the flower-like bottoms of plastic bottles for her repurposed creations.
Also see 30000 bottle caps to decorate walls and a parking canopy of plastic bottles.
Michelle’s pieces are made-to-order. The Flowerfall is a window dressing that can be used as a privacy screen, with a similar effect to the currently popular patterned window film. The Cascade is more of a room divider or dramatic accent, and Blossom finds the bottle bottoms painted and attached to a string of LED lights.
When asked what inspires her sustainable light design, Michelle Brand answered: “Plastic bottles are designed to carry liquid. Billions has been spent on their design and product marketing. Once a plastic drinks bottle is empty it is perceived as redundant and is throw away. I wanted to challenge this wasteful paradigm. My design philosophy is also my lifestyle philosophy. If you keep the two together they constantly make you reflect more on what you do and make.”
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